пятница, 16 февраля 2024 г.

About UNI-T UTG900 generators, final part

As I wrote here earlier, the UTG932 purchased in 2020 had to be replaced in 2022 due to a malfunction (UNI-T refused warranty) with a second hand UTG932E purchased on Avito. At that time, there was an assumption that the UTG932 failure was due to overheating, so I modified the UTG932E in terms of thermal design.

But, as it turned out, overheating had nothing to do with it: exactly the same problems began recently with the UTG932E. In this case, the development of the failure (malfunction) is absolutely identical to what happened then with UTG932.

Most likely, either the initial circuit design miscalculations, or the build quality of the generator boards, or both combined are to blame.

All this leads to sad conclusions about the quality of both this line of UNI-T generators and UNI-T products in general.


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