К особенностям данной платы относятся:
1. Урезанная SPI-шина для дисплея (EXP1) – схема адаптера с board EXP1 на display EXP1+EXP2.
2. Отсутствие возможности управления кулером хотэнда (всегда включен – традиционно для SKR).
3. Отсутствие возможности управления обычной светодиодной лентой (недостаток в сравнении с платами Lerdge).
* * *
Далее моя шпаргалка по настройке прошивки Mаrlin 2 (на примере для платы SKR mini E3 V1.2. и принтера ZAV mini V3, ранее использовавшего плату Lerdge-X. Для удобства переноса настроек на новые версии Marlin 2 используйте утилиту WinMerge.platformio.ini
Выбор платформы
src_dir = Marlin
boards_dir = buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards
default_envs = STM32F103RC_btt_512K
Последовательные порты и скорости
* Select the serial port on the board to use for communication with the host.
* This allows the connection of wireless adapters (for instance) to non-default port pins.
* Serial port -1 is the USB emulated serial port, if available.
* Note: The first serial port (-1 or 0) will always be used by the Arduino bootloader.
* :[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
#define SERIAL_PORT -1
* Select a secondary serial port on the board to use for communication with the host.
* :[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
#define SERIAL_PORT_2 2
* This setting determines the communication speed of the printer.
* 250000 works in most cases, but you might try a lower speed if
* you commonly experience drop-outs during host printing.
* You may try up to 1000000 to speed up SD file transfer.
* :[2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 250000, 500000, 1000000]
#define BAUDRATE 115200
// Enable the Bluetooth serial interface on AT90USB devices
//#define BLUETOOTH
Выбор модели платы
// Choose the name from boards.h that matches your setup
Выбор имени принтера (для строки состояния на дисплее)
// Name displayed in the LCD "Ready" message and Info menu
Выбор дисплея (для работы с эмулятором 12864 на TFT-дисплее)
// Factory display for Creality CR-10
// https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32833148327.html
// This is RAMPS-compatible using a single 10-pin connector.
// (For CR-10 owners who want to replace the Melzi Creality board but retain the display)
Выбор интерфейса на русском языке (для 12864) – но категорически не рекомендую, т.к. локализация сделана очень небрежно, с изрядным количеством грубых смысловых ошибок
* Select the language to display on the LCD. These languages are available:
* en, an, bg, ca, cz, da, de, el, el_gr, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hr, it, jp_kana,
* ko_KR, nl, pl, pt, pt_br, ru, sk, tr, uk, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW, test
* :{ 'en':'English', 'an':'Aragonese', 'bg':'Bulgarian', 'ca':'Catalan', 'cz':'Czech', 'da':'Danish', 'de':'German', 'el':'Greek', 'el_gr':'Greek (Greece)', 'es':'Spanish', 'eu':'Basque-Euskera', 'fi':'Finnish', 'fr':'French', 'gl':'Galician', 'hr':'Croatian', 'it':'Italian', 'jp_kana':'Japanese', 'ko_KR':'Korean (South Korea)', 'nl':'Dutch', 'pl':'Polish', 'pt':'Portuguese', 'pt_br':'Portuguese (Brazilian)', 'ru':'Russian', 'sk':'Slovak', 'tr':'Turkish', 'uk':'Ukrainian', 'vi':'Vietnamese', 'zh_CN':'Chinese (Simplified)', 'zh_TW':'Chinese (Traditional)', 'test':'TEST' }
#define LCD_LANGUAGE ru
Шиммирование LED-подсветки (обычная лента – не RGB и не NEOPIXEL)
* M355 Case Light on-off / brightness
#define CASE_LIGHT_PIN PC7 // Override the default pin to the NEOPIXEL pin (for )SKR mini E3 V1.2)
#define INVERT_CASE_LIGHT false // Set true if Case Light is ON when pin is LOW
#define CASE_LIGHT_DEFAULT_ON true // Set default power-up state on
#define CASE_LIGHT_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS 128 // Set default power-up brightness (0-255, requires PWM pin)
#define CASE_LIGHT_MAX_PWM 235 // Limit pwm
#define CASE_LIGHT_MENU // Add Case Light options to the LCD menu
//#define CASE_LIGHT_NO_BRIGHTNESS // Disable brightness control. Enable for non-PWM lighting.
//#define CASE_LIGHT_USE_NEOPIXEL // Use Neopixel LED as case light, requires NEOPIXEL_LED.
#define CASE_LIGHT_NEOPIXEL_COLOR { 255, 255, 255, 255 } // { Red, Green, Blue, White }
Сохранение параметров в EEPROM
* Persistent storage to preserve configurable settings across reboots.
* M500 - Store settings to EEPROM.
* M501 - Read settings from EEPROM. (i.e., Throw away unsaved changes)
* M502 - Revert settings to "factory" defaults. (Follow with M500 to init the EEPROM.)
#define EEPROM_SETTINGS // Persistent storage with M500 and M501
//#define DISABLE_M503 // Saves ~2700 bytes of PROGMEM. Disable for release!
#define EEPROM_CHITCHAT // Give feedback on EEPROM commands. Disable to save PROGMEM.
#define EEPROM_BOOT_SILENT // Keep M503 quiet and only give errors during first load
//#define EEPROM_AUTO_INIT // Init EEPROM automatically on any errors.
Управление вентилятором экструдера
* Extruder cooling fans
* Extruder auto fans automatically turn on when their extruders'
* temperatures go above EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE.
* Your board's pins file specifies the recommended pins. Override those here
* or set to -1 to disable completely.
* Multiple extruders can be assigned to the same pin in which case
* the fan will turn on when any selected extruder is above the threshold.
#define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN PC14 // assign to PROBE pin
#define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_SPEED 230 // 255 == full speed
Драйверы ШД
* Stepper Drivers
* These settings allow Marlin to tune stepper driver timing and enable advanced options for
* stepper drivers that support them. You may also override timing options in Configuration_adv.h.
* A4988 is assumed for unspecified drivers.
* Options: A4988, A5984, DRV8825, LV8729, L6470, L6474, POWERSTEP01,
* TB6560, TB6600, TMC2100,
* :['A4988', 'A5984', 'DRV8825', 'LV8729', 'L6470', 'L6474', 'POWERSTEP01', 'TB6560', 'TB6600', 'TMC2100', 'TMC2130', 'TMC2130_STANDALONE', 'TMC2160', 'TMC2160_STANDALONE', 'TMC2208', 'TMC2208_STANDALONE', 'TMC2209', 'TMC2209_STANDALONE', 'TMC26X', 'TMC26X_STANDALONE', 'TMC2660', 'TMC2660_STANDALONE', 'TMC5130', 'TMC5130_STANDALONE', 'TMC5160', 'TMC5160_STANDALONE']
#define X_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Y_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Z_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
Настройка режимов работы драйверов (на плате необходимо снять джампер spreadCycle)
* TMC2130, TMC2160, TMC2208, TMC2209, TMC5130 and TMC5160 only
* Use Trinamic's ultra quiet stepping mode.
* When disabled, Marlin will use spreadCycle stepping mode.
Настройка шагов для осей (на оси E стоит экструдер BMG)
* Default Axis Steps Per Unit (steps/mm)
* Override with M92
* X, Y, Z, E0 [, E1[, E2...]]
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 415 }
Управление вентилятором обдува платы
* Controller Fan
* To cool down the stepper drivers and MOSFETs.
* The fan turns on automatically whenever any driver is enabled and turns
* off (or reduces to idle speed) shortly after drivers are turned off.
//#define CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN -1 // Set a custom pin for the controller fan
//#define CONTROLLER_FAN_USE_Z_ONLY // With this option only the Z axis is considered
#define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_MIN 0 // (0-255) Minimum speed. (If set below this value the fan is turned off.)
#define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_ACTIVE 255 // (0-255) Active speed, used when any motor is enabled
#define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_IDLE 0 // (0-255) Idle speed, used when motors are disabled
#define CONTROLLERFAN_IDLE_TIME 60 // (seconds) Extra time to keep the fan running after disabling motors
//#define CONTROLLER_FAN_EDITABLE // Enable M710 configurable settings
#define CONTROLLER_FAN_MENU // Enable the Controller Fan submenu
Настройка концевых выключателей (ZAV mini). В качестве Z подключён оптический концевик Z от Lerdge, питание +5 В взято с разъёма для сервомашинки.
// Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup).
#define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
//#define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
//#define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
//#define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
//#define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the probe.
Настройка направлений вращения двигателей (ZAV mini)
// Invert the stepper direction. Change (or reverse the motor connector) if an axis goes the wrong way.
#define INVERT_X_DIR false
#define INVERT_Y_DIR false
#define INVERT_Z_DIR false
Выбор типа термистора хотэнда при использовании датчика HT-NTC100K (B3950)
// @section temperature
//============================= Thermal Settings ============================
* --NORMAL IS 4.7kohm PULLUP!-- 1kohm pullup can be used on hotend sensor, using correct resistor and table
* Temperature sensors available:
* 1 : 100k thermistor - best choice for EPCOS 100k (4.7k pullup)
* 61 : 100k Formbot / Vivedino 3950 350C thermistor 4.7k pullup
#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 61
#define TEMP_SENSOR_1 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_3 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_4 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_5 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_6 0
#define TEMP_SENSOR_7 0
Решение проблемы шумности вентилятора обдува модели. Если вентилятор обдува модели издаёт писк, то виноваты в этом конструкция обмоток вентилятора и частота PWM-регулирования. Поскольку опция FAST_PWM_FAN для данной платформы недоступна, необходимо использовать FAN_SOFT_PWM. Ещё один параметр SOFT_PWM_SCALE позволяет повысить частоту программного PWM.Как указано в комментарии, каждое увеличение на 1 удваивает частоту программного PWM, сокращая вдвое диапазон регулирования. Мне встречались такие цифры: «1» должна давать частоту 14 Гц, «2» – 28 Гц и так далее.
// Use software PWM to drive the fan, as for the heaters. This uses a very low frequency
// which is not as annoying as with the hardware PWM. On the other hand, if this frequency
// is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE.
#define FAN_SOFT_PWM
// Incrementing this by 1 will double the software PWM frequency,
// affecting heaters, and the fan if FAN_SOFT_PWM is enabled.
// However, control resolution will be halved for each increment;
// at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions.
// :[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
#define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0
// If SOFT_PWM_SCALE is set to a value higher than 0, dithering can
// be used to mitigate the associated resolution loss. If enabled,
// some of the PWM cycles are stretched so on average the desired
// duty cycle is attained.
Решение проблемы плохого старта вентилятора на малых процентах оборотов – сдвиг нижней части шкалы. Также можно ограничить максимальную скорость вращения. При этом диапазон регулировки обдува от 0 до 100%, задаваемого командами слайсера и интерфейса, будет укладываться в диапазон между значениями FAN_MIN_PWM (соответствует 0%) и FAN_MAX_PWM (соответствует 100%).
* PWM Fan Scaling
* Define the min/max speeds for PWM fans (as set with M106).
* With these options the M106 0-255 value range is scaled to a subset
* to ensure that the fan has enough power to spin, or to run lower
* current fans with higher current. (e.g., 5V/12V fans with 12V/24V)
* Value 0 always turns off the fan.
* Define one or both of these to override the default 0-255 range.
#define FAN_MIN_PWM 10
#define FAN_MAX_PWM 255
Временное отключение блокировки двигателя эктрудера при холодном сопле (может потребоваться при настройке кинематики)
* Prevent extrusion if the temperature is below EXTRUDE_MINTEMP.
* Add M302 to set the minimum extrusion temperature and/or turn
* cold extrusion prevention on and off.
Скорость парковки
// Homing speeds (mm/m)
#define HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY (70*60) // 70mm/s
#define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z (15*60) // 15mm/s
Быстрая парковка (по диагонали, одновременно X и Y)
// @section homing
// Homing hits each endstop, retracts by these distances, then does a slower bump.
#define X_HOME_BUMP_MM 5
#define Y_HOME_BUMP_MM 5
#define Z_HOME_BUMP_MM 2
//#define HOMING_BUMP_MM { 5, 5, 2 }
#define HOMING_BUMP_DIVISOR { 2, 2, 4 } // Re-Bump Speed Divisor (Divides the Homing Feedrate)
#define QUICK_HOME // If homing includes X and Y, do a diagonal move initially
//#define HOMING_BACKOFF_MM { 2, 2, 2 } // (mm) Move away from the endstops after homing
// When G28 is called, this option will make Y home before X
//#define HOME_Y_BEFORE_X
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
Загрузка-выгрузка филамента по M701/M702. Да, настройка тут очень мудрёная.
#define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 30 // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
#define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2 // (mm) Initial retract.
// This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 30 // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_ACCEL 25 // (mm/s^2) Lower acceleration may allow a faster feedrate.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 150 // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
// For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
// For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
// Set to 0 for manual unloading.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_SLOW_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6 // (mm/s) Slow move when starting load.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_SLOW_LOAD_LENGTH 20 // (mm) Slow length, to allow time to insert material.
// 0 to disable start loading and skip to fast load only
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6 // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_ACCEL 25 // (mm/s^2) Lower acceleration may allow a faster feedrate.
#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_LENGTH 100 // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
// For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
// For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
* Nozzle Park
* Park the nozzle at the given XYZ position on idle or G27.
* The "P" parameter controls the action applied to the Z axis:
* P0 (Default) If Z is below park Z raise the nozzle.
* P1 Raise the nozzle always to Z-park height.
* P2 Raise the nozzle by Z-park amount, limited to Z_MAX_POS.
Использование высокотемпературного термистора, дающего ошибку при комнатной (низкой) температуре. Параметр MAX_CONSECUTIVE_LOW_TEMPERATURE_ERROR_ALLOWED, насколько я понимаю, это и есть величина ошибки измерения в градусах (но могу ошибаться). Сравниваем показания на дисплее принтера и, скажем, мультиметра с термопарой – разница показаний и будет искомой цифрой для данного параметра. Второй параметр – задержка замера при включении нагрева (чтобы Марлин не останавливался с выдачей ошибки нагревателя).
* High Temperature Thermistor Support
* Thermistors able to support high temperature tend to have a hard time getting
* good readings at room and lower temperatures. This means HEATER_X_RAW_LO_TEMP
* will probably be caught when the heating element first turns on during the
* preheating process, which will trigger a min_temp_error as a safety measure
* and force stop everything.
* To circumvent this limitation, we allow for a preheat time (during which,
* min_temp_error won't be triggered) and add a min_temp buffer to handle
* aberrant readings.
* If you want to enable this feature for your hotend thermistor(s)
* uncomment and set values > 0 in the constants below
// The number of consecutive low temperature errors that can occur
// before a min_temp_error is triggered. (Shouldn't be more than 10.)
// The number of milliseconds a hotend will preheat before starting to check
// the temperature. This value should NOT be set to the time it takes the
// hot end to reach the target temperature, but the time it takes to reach
// the minimum temperature your thermistor can read. The lower the better/safer.
// This shouldn't need to be more than 30 seconds (30000)
Настройка статистики работы принтера (счётчика моточасов). Доступна по команде M78.
* Print Counter
* Track statistical data such as:
* - Total print jobs
* - Total successful print jobs
* - Total failed print jobs
* - Total time printing
* View the current statistics with M78.
Сигнализация о наступлении
* Advanced Print Counter settings
// Activate up to 3 service interval watchdogs
//#define SERVICE_NAME_1 "Service S"
#define SERVICE_INTERVAL_1 100 // print hours
//#define SERVICE_NAME_2 "Service L"
//#define SERVICE_INTERVAL_2 200 // print hours
//#define SERVICE_NAME_3 "Service 3"
//#define SERVICE_INTERVAL_3 1 // print hours
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